Letter to the Editor - Aberdeen News - Pat Doak

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To the Editor:

Why are Dakota Energy's Rates so High?

There have been some sharp barbs put out in the media lately regarding the Dakota Energy lawsuit against East River Co-op and those who have differing views.

Let’s put that aside.

Wouldn’t the Dakota Energy members like to know why Dakota Energy’s rates are the highest in the state?

  • Central Electric: 11.94 cents per kilowatt hour
  • Codington-Clark Electric: 9.32 cents per kilowatt hour
  • Northern Electric: 9.69 cents per kilowatt hour
  • Oahe Electric: 9.74 cents per kilowatt hour
  • Dakota Energy: 14.28 cents per kilowatt hour
  • Source: Energy Information Administration

These co-ops are all East River Cooperative members, so it’s hard to understand how Dakota Energy’s high rates are East River's fault. Maybe we should have an independent financial audit comparing Dakota Energy’s costs with other East River member co-op costs?

What has Dakota Energy spent on this lawsuit? Legal fees with Schoenbeck Law Firm, Lawrence and Schiller marketing firm and advertising costs?

What costs are Guzman Energy paying for? The St. Louis law firm?

What did Dakota Energy’s letter of intent to Guzman Energy say?

Aren’t the members entitled to know?

Aren’t these fair questions?

Transparency is the best policy for a co-op that is member-owned.

Pat Doak, Huron

Note: This letter to the editor originally appeared in the Aberdeen News


Posted July 31, 2021