Letter to the Editor - Huron Daily Plainsman - Twyla Folk

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To the Editor:

Dakota Energy won’t listen to what members want.Then they file subpoenas, depositions, summons, complaints, and restraining orders against members. Dakota Energy refuses to give members an updated membership list.Then they say the October 26 voting meeting is illegal because the notice was not sent to all members. Dakota Energy does not inform members what’s in Guzman’s Letter of Intent and other dealings. Then Guzman Denver attorney tells the judge that members aren’t knowledgeable enough to make informed decisions on voting for a power supplier.

Guzman says they cannot charge more than a fixed rate. How is Guzman going to cover themselves from fluctuations in the open market? In Kit Carson’s power bill “Line 14. Fuel Adjustment charge recovers fluctuations in the cost of power from our power supplier Guzman Energy that are not currently collected in our base rate.”(Remember energy charges for buying off the open market in Texas last February? Check kitcarson.com power bill explanation.)

Guzman contracts have nondisclosure statements. East River contracts have no secret nondisclosure paragraphs. Dakota Energy has not shown any savings to members for contracting with Guzman complete with transmission charges. Is that because it will cost more? In 2020 Energy Information Administration reported Kit Carson bundled electric rate was 18.66 cents/kWh — the highest listed in the state.

Dakota Energy published total compensation for East River management in newspapers and pamphlets. Is Guzman’s top management 10 or 20 times more? Dakota Energy has four lawyers from Wheeler Triggs O’Donnell (Denver), two lawyers from Lee Shoenbeck Law, (Watertown), and one local. Who is paying for them?

Dakota Energy is not letting the member/owners vote to keep our cooperative local where we have voting input into the policies of the cooperative and power supplier.

Is this the way you want to be treated by your cooperative?

Twyla Folk

Note: This letter to the editor originally appeared in the Huron Daily Plainsman


Posted on November 8, 2021